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The Hot Springs Association has conducted a series of initial research on flow-through and chemical sanitation regulations within specific U.S. states and several other countries. The findings are an absence of understanding by regulators behind the origins or purpose of their regulations and large variances state to state. 

The absence of evidence-based research on effective flow-through protocols poses challenges for hot springs resort owners, who may face regulators advocating for chemical sanitation or demanding exchange rates that exceed available mineral water supplies. A lack of standard leaves resort owners vulnerable to extreme changes in requirements sometimes solely based on how one local regulator interprets their regulations. When a lack of understanding is present regulators will default to a path that makes them feel the least liable, often associated with more extreme requirements. 

Peer reviewed evidence-based research will help

  • alleviate fear and discomfort with regulators
  • the adoption of flow-through standards by the MAHC/CDC
  • provide the association with the tools it needs to develop a new national standard for flow-through protocol which can also be used in a geothermal certification training module 
  • position the association to influence future regulations

Early gifts and lead gifts that are designated as “start‐up funds” may be expended to fund early hard and soft costs of the Flow Through Research Capital Campaign. It is possible that funds that are designated and agreed as “start‐up funds” gifts may be expended during a period of time in which the Project scope could be amended or even abandoned.

US$25.00 received toward our goal of US$250,000.00

The Hot Springs Association supports hot springs owners and operators by fostering collaboration and providing guidance. Your donation will fund tools, events, initiatives and opportunities that enhance water wellness and improve experiences for all.